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Breast Implant Surgery in Mumbai

Breast implant surgery in Mumbai is a cosmetic procedure to enhance breast size and shape. It involves surgically inserting silicone or saline implants through incisions, typically under the breast crease or around the areola. Patients consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss their goals and select the appropriate implant type and size. The surgery is performed under anesthesia, and recovery takes several weeks. Mumbai, India, offers this procedure within a thriving medical industry, attracting patients seeking breast augmentation. However, potential risks, like infection or implant complications, should be considered, making careful research and choosing a skilled surgeon essential..

Dr. Ashish Sangavikar at Restore Clinic in Mumbai specializes in breast implant surgery. With extensive expertise, he offers safe and customized procedures to enhance breast size and shape. Patients can trust his skill and commitment to achieving natural-looking results, making Restore Clinic a top choice for breast augmentation in Mumbai.

Process of Breast Implant Surgery in Mumbai- Restore Clinic

At Restore Clinic in Mumbai, the breast implant surgery process is designed to achieve natural and satisfying results. Led by Dr. Ashish Sangavikar, our procedure begins with a thorough consultation to understand your goals and assess your suitability. The breast implant surgery process at Restore Clinic in Mumbai involves several steps:


You'll meet with Dr. Ashish Sangavikar to discuss your goals and assess your suitability for the procedure.

Pre-op Evaluation:

Comprehensive medical assessments and measurements are conducted to plan the surgery.


You'll receive anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure


Dr. Sangavikar will make incisions, typically in the crease under the breast, the armpit, or around the areola.

Implant Placement:

You'll receive anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure


You'll be monitored during the immediate recovery period before being discharged.

Types of Breast Implant

Silicone Implants:

Silicone implants are a popular choice for breast augmentation in. These implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with a cohesive silicone gel. Silicone implants are available in various shapes, including round and teardrop (anatomical) shapes, allowing for customization based on your desired outcome.

Saline Implants:

Saline implants are another option for breast augmentation surgery. These implants are composed of a silicone outer shell filled with a sterile saline (saltwater) solution. Saline implants can be inserted into the breast pocket while empty, and then filled to the desired volume.

Structured Implants:

Structured implants are a newer type of breast implant that combines the benefits of silicone and saline implants. They feature an inner structure or baffling system designed to provide increased shape and stability. The structure helps to maintain the shape of the implant, reducing the risk of rippling or wrinkling. This option is particularly beneficial for individuals with thin breast tissue or those who desire a more contoured appearance.

Gummy Bear Implants :

Gummy bear implants, also known as highly cohesive silicone gel implants, are a type of silicone implant that contains a thicker and more form-stable gel. The term "gummy bear" refers to the consistency of the gel, which maintains its shape even if the implant shell is compromised.

Breast Implant Surgeon in Mumbai



(Plastic, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon)

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar is a board certified plastic, Cosmetic & Microvascular reconstruction surgeon. He completed his M.Ch in Plastic Surgery from Grant Medical College & J.J. group of hospitals, Mumbai. After his residency in Plastic Surgery he worked in renowned Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai where his received special training in Microvascular reconstruction surgery.

Dr. Ashish Sangavikar is a highly regarded breast implant surgeon in Mumbai. He is known for his expertise in breast augmentation procedures and is dedicated to achieving natural and satisfying results for his patients. With a commitment to safety and excellence, Dr. Sangavikar is a trusted choice for breast implant surgery at Restore Clinic in Mumbai.

Who are the Candidate for Breast Implant surgery in Mumbai

Breast implant surgery candidates include individuals who are dissatisfied with their breast size, in good physical and emotional health, have stable weight, and realistic expectations. Breast implant surgery is sought after by individuals who desire a more proportionate figure, have experienced changes in breast volume due to pregnancy or weight loss, or simply wish to enhance their natural curves.

Desire Breast Enhancement:

Those who wish to increase their breast size or improve their breast shape for aesthetic reasons.

Are Not Pregnant or Breastfeeding:

It's advisable to wait until after pregnancy and breastfeeding to undergo breast augmentation, as these events can affect breast shape and size.


Smoking can increase the risk of complications, so candidates are often advised to quit smoking before and after surgery.

Have Adequate Breast Tissue:

Candidates should have enough existing breast tissue to accommodate the chosen implants, and the surgeon will assess this during the consultation.

What are the Benefits of Breast implant in Mumbai

Enhanced Appearance:

Breast implants can increase breast size and improve shape, enhancing overall physical appearance.

Improved Self-Confidence:

Many individuals experience increased self-esteem and body confidence after breast augmentation.


Patients can choose from various implant types, sizes, and shapes to achieve a personalized and natural look.

Correction of Asymmetry:

Breast implants can correct breast size and shape imbalances, creating a more symmetrical appearance.

Post-Pregnancy Restoration:

Implants can restore breast volume lost due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, helping women regain their pre-pregnancy figure.

Care Before and After breast implant surgery

Care before and after breast implant surgery is crucial to ensure a safe procedure and a smooth recovery. Here are some important considerations:Before Breast

Before Breast Implant Surgery:


Schedule a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ashish Sangavikar in Mumbai. Discuss your goals, implant options, and any questions or concerns you may have.

Medical Evaluation:

Complete any pre-operative medical tests or evaluations recommended by your surgeon to ensure you are in good health for the procedure.

Quit Smoking:

If you smoke, try to quit or at least stop smoking several weeks before surgery, as smoking can increase the risk of complications and hinder the healing process.

Medications and Supplements:

Inform your surgeon about all medications, vitamins, and supplements you are taking, as some may need to be adjusted or temporarily stopped before surgery.

Arrange for Support:

Arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home after surgery and stay with you for at least the first 24 hours post-surgery to provide assistance.

After Breast Implant Surgery

Follow Post-Operative Instructions:

Adhere to your surgeon's post-operative instructions regarding rest, medication, and wound care. These instructions are crucial for a successful recovery.

Wear Supportive Bra:

Your surgeon will recommend a supportive surgical bra or sports bra to provide proper support to the breasts during the initial healing period.

Pain Management:

Take prescribed pain medications as directed by your surgeon to manage any discomfort during the early recovery phase.

Monitor for Complications:

Keep a close eye on your incision sites for any signs of infection or unusual symptoms. If you notice anything concerning, contact your surgeon promptly.

Scar Care:

Follow your surgeon's instructions for scar care, which may include the use of silicone gels or sheets to minimize scarring.

Regular Follow-Up Appointments:

Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon at Restore Clinic in Mumbai to monitor your progress and address any questions or concerns.