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Chin Augmentation surgery in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

Chin Augmentation, also known as Chin Implant surgery, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the chin by inserting an implant to improve its projection and shape. Many people choose to undergo Chin Augmentation to achieve better facial balance and harmony, as a weak or recessed chin can often make the nose appear larger or the neck less defined. By enhancing the chin, patients can achieve a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing facial profile.

At Restore Clinic in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, Dr. Ashish Sangavikar, renowned as one of the best plastic surgeons in the region, offers expert Chin Augmentation procedures. With his extensive experience and skill in plastic surgery, Dr. Sangavikar collaborates closely with patients to understand their aesthetic goals and tailor the procedure to their individual needs. By utilizing advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology, Dr. Sangavikar ensures that patients achieve natural-looking results that enhance their facial features and boost their confidence. With his expertise and personalized approach, patients can trust Restore Clinic to deliver exceptional outcomes in Chin Augmentation surgery.

Chin Augmentation Surgery Cost in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai

The Chin Augmentation surgery cost in Mumbai varies depending on factors such as the surgeon's experience, clinic facilities, and the type of implant used. On average, patients can expect to pay between INR 50,000 to INR 1,50,000 for the procedure at reputable clinics like Restore Clinic with Dr. Ashish Sangavikar.

Chin Augmentation surgeon in Mumbai

Dr. Ashish Sangavikar, a renowned plastic surgeon, is celebrated as the premier Chin Augmentation surgeon in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. With extensive experience and expertise in the field, Dr. Sangavikar is highly regarded for his exceptional skill in performing Chin Implant surgeries. Patients trust Dr. Sangavikar for his personalized approach, meticulous attention to detail, and commitment to achieving natural-looking results. At Restore Clinic, under Dr. Sangavikar's guidance, patients receive top-notch care and achieve their desired aesthetic goals with confidence. Dr. Sangavikar's reputation as the best chin implant surgeon in the region underscores his dedication to excellence and patient satisfaction.

Procedure of Chin Augmentation at Restore Clinic

  1. 1) Consultation: Patients meet with Dr. Ashish Sangavikar to discuss their goals, medical history, and concerns. Dr. Sangavikar conducts a thorough evaluation to determine the most suitable treatment plan.
  2. 2) Preoperative Preparation: Before the surgery, patients undergo preoperative assessments and receive instructions on how to prepare for the procedure.
  3. 3) Anesthesia: During the procedure, patients are administered either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia to ensure their comfort and safety throughout the surgery.
  4. 4) Incision and Implant Placement: Dr. Sangavikar makes a small incision either beneath the chin or inside the mouth to create a pocket for the implant.
  5. 5) Closure and Recovery: Once the implant is securely in place, the incisions are closed with sutures. Patients are provided with postoperative instructions and medications to manage any discomfort.

Chin Augmentation Benefits

  • 1) Enhanced Facial Harmony: A well-defined chin can improve facial balance and symmetry, enhancing overall facial harmony and proportion.
  • 2) Improved Profile: Chin Augmentation can provide a more defined jawline and neck contour, creating a more youthful and attractive profile.
  • 3) Correction of Weak Chin: For individuals with a weak or recessed chin, Chin Augmentation can strengthen the chin's appearance and improve facial contours.
  • 4) Increased Confidence: By achieving a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial profile, patients often experience a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • 5) Long-lasting Results: Chin Augmentation with implants or other techniques typically provides long-lasting results, allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of their enhanced appearance for years to come.

Who Are The Candidates For Chin Enhancement ( Implant)?

If you are not happy with your ´weak` & receding chin and you think your lower face lacks proportion & balance with your overall facial features then chin enhancement is the option. It can:

Correct a weak or recessed chin.

Improve definition of the neck and jawline.

Improve harmonious balance of facial features.

The Procedure Of Chin Enhancement (Implant) surgery

Chin implant is a simple day care procedure. A small incision is made either underneath the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, a space is created for the chin implant that fits around the chin bone. The implant may be fixed in position with one or two screws into the chin bone.

Recovery After Chin Implant Surgery:

There will be minimal pain or discomfort after chin implant surgery which will be easily controlled with pain killers.

If you have incision inside mouth, then you are advised to use frequent antibacterial mouth washes. Avoid hot & spicy food. Drink liquids through straw or eat semisolid food for a day or two after surgery.

You are advised to sleep face up with your head elevated for one week.

There may be minimal swelling over operative area which is expected & usually resolves in one week.

You can resume your work after one week.

How Will Be The Scar Of Chin Implant Surgery?

The scar of chin implant surgery is a small & usually hidden under the chin. If incision is taken inside mouth then there will be no visible outside scar.